Monday, May 25, 2020

Police Brutality A Case Essay - 1842 Words

Police brutality - Police brutality has always been there, and it is something that is still occurs and affects us all over the world, it affects our communities, and us in the way we live, our futures and our upcoming generations. Police brutality is manly a case where police are chosen to protect us from ourselves, and the public, but unfortunately this is ironically lost and diluted in police minds due to being power hungry, controlling, and in most cases disregarding human rights and violating them. - After seeing the general analysis on police brutality this literature review will go into deeper topics discussing, police brutality mostly against the colored community from the academic articles of Williams Juleyka L, and Mitchell Jacquelyn, but also brutality against minorities like the disabled, and immigrants from an article by Hutto Jonathan. Furthermore, to human rights to amendments and simple rights for civilians in America for protection against brutal police, and activists defending rights and reporting truth being discussed by, Lawson Tamara F, Conde Victor H, Shabazz Saeed, and Wyche Steve, covering all of these topics and going much deeper. - leading to a final point of the paper with focus on this rapidly growing modern age of technology and how we can see technology is affecting police brutality and in specifically which ways. Shaw Andrew Rosado, and Arnold Aaron Paxton, reveal how technology now, like surveillance cameras, and access to cellphones beingShow MoreRelatedPolice Brutality : Corey Jones Case1568 Words   |  7 Pages Police Brutality Corey Jones Case Davon Key Crititcal Thinking and Communication 1201-06 Professor DuCloux 4 April 2016 In October of 2015 in Palm Beach County Florida a young African American was shot to death though he had caused no harm. 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